The brain loves healthy fats, micronutrients, & antioxidants....are you getting enough? Having symptoms of brain fog, forgetting things, or just not feeling as sharp? Add some of the foods below into you regular routine to boost the nutrients that your brain craves!
If you are interested in our HCG program & would like to learn more contact us to get started: Contact Us Here
THE PROGRAM Our HCG weight loss is a comprehensive program designed to help you get the best results & maintain weight loss when you are finished. Once the diet is complete you will transition to a healthy, maintainable nutrition plan. THE PROGRAM INCLUDES * 6 visits total: initial visit, weekly check ins, and 2 final visits to help in the transition to long term maintenance. * Lab testing prior to starting program * Supplements during the program * Weekly vitamin injections * Detailed program info and recipes WHY HCG? * Jump start weight loss. If you have a lot of weight to loose, or feel stuck with diet and exercise, the HCG program can offer a jump start to weight loss. * Patients loose on average 0.5 to 1lb per day over 23 days of the diet * HCG mobilizes your fat stores to fuel the body. This is not a starvation diet! * Decreased hunger * Increased metabolism. * Burn Fat not muscle. HCG is a hormone that works through resetting your metabolism and hormones to burn fat as fuel. * Body contouring – weight & inches lost in stubborn areas like arms, inner thighs, & waistline WHAT TO EXPECT The diet is broken into phases: Phase 1 * 2 days of a high calorie + high fat loading Phase 2 *23 days *Strict calorie intake * Lean protein like fish & chicken * Daily HCG injections or lozenges Phase 3 * 3 weeks * Calories are increased * Weight is stabilized during this phase Maintenance Phase * Customized nutrition and exercise plan for optimal health and weight loss maintenance. If not now, when? Contact us to get started today! Contact info here , or call 604.428.8682 By now we have heard how important it is to get enough quality sleep, but what if you are still struggling? Insomnia is extremely common and can take many forms. Maybe you can’t fall asleep, or you wake through the night, or you are sleeping but still wake feeling tired or groggy? People with chronic insomnia have up to a 3 times greater risk of overall mortality! Lack of sleep impacts all aspects of your health and life – affecting your hormones, thyroid, adrenals, weakening your immune system, impacting memory and cognitive function, and even increasing risk of cancer and heart disease. So How Can You Get Great Sleep? Try these tips: 1. Keep A Regular Sleep Schedule Our hormones, brain, and adrenal glands are all programmed to keep a circadian rhythm, which follows light and dark. Sleeping ideally before midnight, and waking 7-8 hours later, on a consistent schedule helps maintain the natural rhythms our bodies are designed for. This also means sleeping more in the winters and less in the summers, as the daylight hours change. 2. Maintain A Dark Bedroom The bedroom should be completely dark when you sleep. This may mean closing blinds, putting up blackout curtains, turning off all lights, or sleeping with a sleep mask to block all light. This also means avoiding televisions, computer, or phone screens in the 1-2 hours before bed. If you do look at screens, consider blue light blocking glasses that will filter the strong lights emitted from the screens. We naturally go through deep and light sleep cycles through the night. If the room has any light, or electronic brightness it signals your brain to wake and be alert. Here is a link to blue light blocking glasses: 3. Remove Electronics From The Bedroom Do you have a phone, cell phone, wifi, alarm clock, TV, and computer in your bedroom? All electronic devices emit frequencies that can affect people differently. For many people these frequencies interrupt sleep. Consider trial of turning off all electronics at night. Unplug the wifi internet router, turn off phones or charge them away from your bed. Move the alarm clock away from the bedside table. This can significantly improve the quality of your sleep, increasing the time spent in deeper sleep. 4. Keep The Room Cool Keeping the room at 20 degrees or lower helps your body sleep deeper. This may mean adding a fan, keeping a window open, or sleeping with a lighter blanket. 5. Have A Relaxing Routine Take a bath, read a book, have a relaxing tea like Chamomile or Kava, or meditate. Any of these activities, which are calming help to wind down the mind and ready the brain and body for sleep. 6. Avoid Excess Stimulants Too much coffee, or caffeinated tea can keep you up at night. As can eating too much food too close to bed. If you are hungry close to bedtime, try a small serving of protein that contains the amino acid tryptophan that can aid sleep. Consider a handful of nuts or seeds, lean protein (like chicken, turkey, or fish), or dates with a little nut butter. 7. Exercise Regularly People who exercise regularly report the best sleep (National Sleep Foundation’s 2013 Sleep Survey). Aim for at 30 minutes of movement during the day, most days. Exercise can vary from a walk outside to an intense interval workout, do what works for you and vary your activities. Some people find exercise close to bedtime can help them sleep, but for most exercise is stimulating and better to do earlier in the day. 8. Check Your Mattress You spend a lot of time in bed, having good quality bedding is so important! How old is your mattress and pillow? If your mattress more than 10 years old it is time for a new one. Consider a memory foam mattress with no metal springs. Pillows can be washed 1-2 times a year and replaced if they are no longer supporting you. 9. Aromatherapy Try an essential oil diffuser in your bedroom. Oils like lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang, orange, bergamot, sandalwood, and cedarwood can be relaxing. Choose a scent that appeals to you. 10. Avoid Stimulating Supplements After Lunch Are your taking B Vitamins, multi-vitamin, adrenal support, ginseng? These and other supplements can be stimulating and make it more difficult to sleep at night. Take these at breakfast or before noon. Looking For Extra Support?
Make an appointment and we can create an individualized sleep strategy. There are many supplements that can improve sleep, depending on your specific concern. You can also try IV Vitamin therapy. The IV’s contain a specialized combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to have you relaxed and calm so you can get those ZZZ’s. Visit the clinic website to make an appointment: or phone 604.428.8682 What are the Blue Zones? These are 5 regions in the world where people live healthy long lives, commonly living past 100. These regions are Okinawa in Japan, Sardinia in Italy, Nicoya in Costa Rica, Loma Linda in California, and Ikaria in Greece. Although the people of these regions have cultural and lifestyle differences they share fundamental commonalities which are believed to be the keys to the their longevity and health. So what are their secrets? 1. Move daily - Movement is incorporated into their daily lives. It may not be a gym or a spin class, but these people are very active. They garden, walk, climb stairs or mountains (in some cases), do house work, and do not spend long hours sitting. 2. Have a Sense of Purpose, Belonging, and Balance - Family and personal relationships are very important to the people of all these regions. They all have a positive outlook and cherish their families, friends, and especially their elders. Whether it is spiritual, religious, or cultural, having a sense of belonging and a purpose in life is seen in all these groups and is critical to maintaining overall health. They also have times of quiet and calm, it may be meditation, prayer, or being in nature. 3. Eat A Plant Based, Whole Foods Diet - While there are cultural variations in the diets of the blue zones, they all follow a similar pattern. Eat a mostly plant based diet, eat in moderation, and eat whole foods. Their diets are about 80% plant based, incorporate a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, high in fiber, low in saturated fats (animal and dairy fat), and even include red wine in moderation. People generally eat together and cook at home. There is no-to minimal processed, packaged, high sugar, or “fast” foods. Obesity is almost non-existent in these cultures. The rates of common chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s, metabolic syndrome, and cancer are very low. People commonly live past 100 still being active, alert, and healthy. When they die, it is usually of age and not illness, and they pass in their sleep. These are all things we can focus on in our lives. The fountain of youth is achievable! There is no quick fix, or fad…it is life long habits and activities that can set us up for health and happiness for many decades to come! Interested in learning more about the Blue Zones? Dan Buettner Has done extensive research and written books about these Blue Zones. Check out his work at: The TED Talk: Glowing, radiant skin is not just vibrant and youthful; it reflects our internal health and balance. Our skin can tell us a lot! Based on Chinese and Ayruvedic Medicine, face Mapping connects changes in our skin to our internal environment. With this information we can identify and address areas requiring attention and in turn see healthier, more radiant skin. So what is your skin telling you?
Zone: Forehead Associated With: Liver, gallbladder Explanation: The forehead is connected with nervous system activity and digestion. Stress and a sluggish digestive system may be triggering these breakouts. What To Do: Avoid, sugary, fatty, processed foods and consume plenty of high fiber fruit and vegetables to keep your digestive system moving. De-stress with visualization, meditation, yoga or anything else that helps you to relax. Start your day with fresh lemon or lime juice in warm water to naturally detoxify your liver. Zone: Space between your eyebrows Associated With: Stored emotions in your liver &/or spleen Explanation: Our facial expressions immediately clue us into how we’re feeling. Skin issues and wrinkling in this zone may indicate unexpressed anger that you’re holding onto in your liver or spleen. What To Do: Clear this anger! Try yoga, counseling, Reiki, journaling or whatever therapy you need to let go of negative built-up emotions in a healthy way. Zone: Underneath the eyes Associated With: Kidneys Explanation: Swelling, dark, and puffy under eyes are especially suggestive of sluggish kidney function. What To Do: Drink plenty of filtered water as dehydration places strain on the kidneys and prevents them from performing their essential eliminating functions. Look after your kidney and adrenals with adequate sleep and minimal stress. Limit coffee and alcohol, which are dehydrating. Zone: Cheeks Associated With: Lungs, malabsorption, sluggish metabolism Explanation: Discoloured patches on your cheeks may suggest slower metabolic rate and lower absorption of nutrients. The cheeks have also been traditionally associated with lung function. What To Do: Trial breath work and breathing exercises to oxygenate your lungs and build lung capacity. Gently increase your cardio exercise to also enhance lung function and provide a metabolic boost. Ensure you chew your food well to decrease strain on the digestive system. Drinking green tea and having an antioxidant-rich diet can also help to protect the skin against damage from common air pollutants. Zone: Nose Associated With: Cardiovascular system Explanation: Your nose is believed to be linked with circulation, so skin issues in this zone may suggest blood pressure problems. What To Do: Increase your intake of heart-healthy foods, such as avocado, nuts, tahini, cold-pressed olive oil and oily fish (or flaxseeds if you’re vegetarian). Limit consumption of alcohol and coffee, which can artificially stimulate your cardiovascular system. Zone: Lower lip Associated With: Digestive system Explanation: In particular, the lower lip can reflect intestinal function. Brown spots may represent issues with indigestion or insufficient digestive enzymes. It may also suggest the presence of worms or parasite overgrowth in the intestines. Pale coloured lips can indicate the early stages of anaemia. What To Do: Add a good quality probiotic daily. Ensure you are including plenty of iron-rich foods in your diet, such as legumes, green leafy vegetables and lean red meat (if you aren’t vegetarian, of course). Zone: Chin/ lower jaw line Associated With: Hormones, stress Explanation: Ladies, have you ever noticed that you tend to break out with blemishes around your chin at that time of the month? That’s because this is the facial zone where hormonal imbalance and stressful emotions manifest. What To Do: Avoid unnatural beauty products or cleaning aids, which tend to contain toxins that interfere with the endocrine system. Also, give your skin care regime a little extra love and attention the week before your period is due. And take measures to reduce your stress and treat your beautiful body to plenty of rest and sleep! Want to know more? Schedule an appointment to receive a full assessment and get started on a plan that is individualized to your skin and health needs. Credits: Image Source: Original Article By Laurentine Ten Bosch ![]() Trying to eat healthy but don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen? You don’t have to! There are simple things you can do to make eating healthy from home quicker and easier. 1. Food Prep – Pick one day of the week (Sunday works well for many) to prepare meals. Make a few different dishes to store in the fridge for the week. When you are hungry there is food ready to go so you are less likely to reach for the unhealthy snack foods. 2. Wash and Prep Veggies Ahead of Time – Wash and cut up a large bowl of salad veggies and squeeze the juice of one lemon over the veggies before storing in the fridge. The lemon juice will help the veggies stay fresh longer. When you need salad just take a portion of veggies, add lettuce and salad dressing and you are ready to go! 3. Make large batches – When you prepare a dish, double or triple the recipe so you have leftovers to last the week. 4. Roast Veggies – You know those veggies you bought with all intentions of eating, but now they are starting to wilt in the fridge? An easy way to cook veggies is roast them. Wash, chop, toss in coconut oil and seasoning, and throw on a roasting pan in the oven. Cook for 30-45 mins, until roasted at 375 F. 5. Store prepped & marinated meat in the freezer – If you find a good deal on organic/free range meat or fish, but a bunch and freeze it! I like to portion the meat, marinate it, and freeze 2 portions in a Ziploc bags with the marinate. When you need it, defrost and it is ready to cook! 6. Keep Healthy Quick Options in the Pantry – We all have days when we don’t have time or don’t feel like cooking. The key is to stock your pantry with healthy go to options. For quick protein, I keep canned sardines, wild salmon, or wild tuna. I also keep macadamia nuts, almonds, and pistachios for a quick snack. Dates are also a good option to satisfy a sweet craving. Interested in a customized nutrition plan? Visit my website & Blog for more information and how to book an appointment: or t. 604.779.7869 Statistics show that the average North American consumes about 150 pounds of sugar each year, 60 pounds of which is in the form of refined white sugar! Sugars not only feed the anaerobic forms of life and disease, but also cause the peaks and valleys, or ups and downs, in blood sugar & insulin levels, mood, mental focus and our energy.
To experience a substantial level of energy, mental focus, and sustained performance, the proper maintenance of constant and adequate glucose (blood sugar) levels is one of the body's most important functions. A slow, steady absorption of glucose rather than rapid peaks and valleys which come from refined sugars, starches, and even high amounts of complex carbohydrates and fruit sugars, is key to maintaining level blood sugar. Excess sugar consumption can lead to nutritional deficiencies, weakened pancreas, digestive distress, allergies, Candida Albicans, hypoglycemia, type II diabetes, heart disease, stress, aging, as well as degenerative diseases. Over-consumption of sugars can even contribute to the increase of low density lipoproteins and heart disease. In like manner, over-consumption of complex carbohydrates in the absence of a balanced amount of good fats and protein can be metabolized by the body just the same as refined sugars. This can trigger hypoglycemia and late onset diabetes, which statistics show are on the rise, particularly among vegetarians. Although high blood sugar levels may be controlled by the use of insulin, there are associated complications with prolonged use of insulin. There is medical evidence that daily injections of insulin may be partly responsible for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications. Dr. Bernard E. Lowenstein, M.D., reports that too much insulin can stimulate the production of excessive cholesterol in the body. High insulin doses can aggravate the tiny blood vessels, a condition characteristic of diabetes. We are actually born with a palate for sweets but acquire the taste for sour, bitter, and other tastes later in life. So, for the most of us, sweet foods give us a sense of pleasure. Nature provides us with all the sugar we require through our foods; especially whole foods or superfoods which have the fiber, enzymes, co-enzymes, catalysts, trace minerals, and nutrients to properly assist the slow absorption and assimilation of the sugars that are contained in these foods. There are some natural sugar substitutes that can be used to help you with your sweet tooth but the goal is to change your taste preference away from sweet/sugar. This can be done by reducing sugar consumption over time and replacing sweet with nutrient dense fat and protein foods. I work on nutrition with all my patients and address some of these exact changes on an individual basis. Contact me for one on one health support and book a visit today! HEALTHIER SWEETENERS STEVIA Stevia is a natural plant extract which is 200-300 times sweeter than sugar, with hardly any calories. Stevia does not feed yeast or Candida and should be a natural sweetener of choice when dealing with parasites, fungal infections, diabetes and hypoglycemia. MAPLE SYRUP Dark, pure maple syrup is an unprocessed sweetener and has naturally occurring minerals and nutrients. The natural minerals and nutrients help slow the absorption into the blood stream so you do not get as strong of a spike in blood sugar as we see with white sugar. DATES Whole dates contain fiber and nutrients and make a great option to add sweetness to smoothies, recipes, or to have with tea. The fiber and nutrients of the dates help slow spikes in blood sugar. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Be sure to include healthy fats in your daily diet. Omega-3 essential fatty acids from natural oils are essential to health, but your body cannot manufacture it. Therefore, they must be consumed daily in your diet. Essential fatty acids also play a very important role in keeping the blood sugar level. For example, give a bottle of soda pop or sugar water to one child and a bucket of ice cream to another. Assuming that both of these foods contain the same amount of sugar, you will notice that the child drinking the soda pop will have an elevated glycemic index, whereas the child eating the ice cream will not have elevated blood sugar. The second child's blood sugar was not elevated, not because the ice cream is a wonderful food or had less sugar, but because the ice cream, along with the sugar, contained fat and protein. WHOLE FOODS AND A BALANCED DIET After an initial cleanse, consider a balanced diet of properly combined whole foods. Work to develop a balanced diet high in fiber, high-moderate in fat, moderate in protein, and moderate-low in carbohydrates. Eat organic whole foods with sufficient quantities of quality protein and fat at each meal. When your blood sugar drops, you may become drowsy, foggy or sluggish. When elevated, high blood sugar may cause you to become jittery, irritable and hyperactive, with no mental focus. To avoid the peaks and valleys that come from refined foods, stay with a simple diet containing quality proteins such as lean meats, fish, free range eggs, avocados, coconut oil, grass fed butter, olive oil, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and lots of green vegetables. Our bodies are genetically programmed to repair, regenerate and fight diseases every living moment of our lives. The same way a wound, a broken bone or a cut heals itself before your eyes, our body is capable and is programmed to repair, regenerate, and fight diseases every living moment of our lives. Health is gained or lost at the cellular level on a daily basis. The quality of the cells you build, your immune function, mental acuity, longevity, and quality of life are dependent upon and begin with your next meal. Our brains are constantly evolving, and the daily lifestyle choices we make have the power to influence this process to help improve memory, cognition, and overall brain health.
Each of these tips can be customized to the individual, and I work with my patients’ to do just that. Here are my top 5 tips to Boost Brain Health. 1 Exercise – One of the single most impactful things you can do to support your brain health is exercise! Exercise helps memory, increases blood flow, builds new neurons, and improves insulin sensitivity. Aerobic exercise shows the most benefit in helping the brain but strength training and HIIT exercises are also beneficial. No matter what you do, just get moving! 2. Eat Healthy Fat – Your brain is largely composed of fat and requires healthy fats from the diet to operate at its best. Brain healthy fats include avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, omega-3 fatty acids, and raw unsalted nuts & seeds. 3. De-Stress – Doing things that you enjoy, spending time with friends or loved ones, meditate, rest, and relax. Whatever you do, do something that helps you de-stress and calm your brain. 4. Improve Digestion – You know the saying “trust your gut?” Well your gut is really another brain, and the two brains are in constant communication. Poor digestion or digestive issues impact the brain as well. I work with all my patients to address digestive issues and get this system working optimally. 5. Reduce Inflammation - Inflammation and poor digestion go together. Improving diet and removing inflammatory foods like dairy, gluten, and sugar will go a long way to reducing inflammation and helping the brain as well. A food allergy panel can also help identify specific food intolerances that may be contributing to inflammation in your system. Interested in a customized brain health plan? Visit my website & Blog for more information and how to book an appointment: or t. 604.779.7869 #Seedcycling #hormonebalance #flax #chia #sesame #pmsRotating of seeds is a valuable way of restoring hormonal balance for men and women. Seed cycling is so effective because the hulls of the seeds contain chemicals called lignans, which help modulate the hormonal pathways of the body while the seed oils are comprised of essential (or omega) fatty acids that provide the building blocks for steroid hormone synthesis. As each seed type contains variations of these lignans and fatty acids, rotation of these seeds through the month provides the body with the variety of precursors it needs to create normal hormonal cycles. The additional oils (EPA/DHA & GLA) may also be added for added balancing. Women: The rotation plan can be done according to either the menstrual cycle (if it is fairly regular) or phases of the moon (if the menstrual cycle is absent or too irregular) * From days 1-14 of the menstrual cycle (or from new moon to full moon) 1-2 Tablespoon(s) per day of ground flax/ pumpkin seeds/ or Chia Seeds EPA/DHA 2,000 – 3,000 mg EPA/DHA (1,500 each) Flax and pumpkin seeds support the ESTROGEN dominant time of your cycle and balancing the omega 3 pathway. * From days 15 – 28 of the menstrual cycle (or from full moon to new moon) 1-2 Tablespoon(s) per day of ground sesame or sunflower seeds. GLA (Borage or Evening Primrose Oil) 500 mg GLA (rich in Omega 6s that contains linoleic acid) converts in the body ultimately to prostaglandins, hormone-like molecules that help regulate Inflammation and blood pressure as well as heart, gastrointestinal, and kidney functions Sesame and sunflower seeds support the PROGESTERONE peaks of your cycle and balancing the omega 6 pathway. Men: The rotation plan is done according to the phases of the moon (and is the opposite of women’s rotation): * From full moon to the new moon: 1-2 Tablespoon per day of ground flax or pumpkin seeds. * From new moon to the full moon: 1-2 Tablespoon per day of ground sesame or sunflower seeds. Seed Preparation: It works best to use a coffee or spice grinder to grind the seeds. Only prepare a few days supply at a time as the seeds may oxidize and become less potent. Store the ground seeds in a jar with a tight fitting lid and keep in the refrigerator. One or two tablespoons per day can be used. You can eat the seeds with any foods such as salads, cereals, vegetables, grains or mix them in a little rice or soymilk and drink them. It adds a nutty crunchy taste to foods. IT IS BEST TO USE ORGANIC AND RAW SEEDS. Seed Facts![]() Flax Seeds Flax seeds are high in B vitamins, manganese and magnesium. These power-packed seeds have many other nutrition components. 100 grams of ground flax seed supplies about 450 kilocalories, 28 grams/fiber and 20 grams/protein. Flax seeds should be ALWAYS be ground fresh before consumption (reduces rancidity) and can be added to any meal. ![]() Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds are very beneficial to your health because of the minerals they provide. The seeds contain high amounts of iron, magnesium phosphorus and zinc. They are also a fantastic source of protein (2 grams per tablespoon), phytosterols and beneficial polyunsaturated fats. ![]() Sesame Seeds Sesame seeds are very rich in iron, magnesium, manganese and copper. There are about 90 mg of calcium in one tablespoon of unhulled seeds and 10 mg in hulled seeds. They also contain vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin B1 (thiamine). Sesame seeds contain the richest source of lignans, namely sesamin (a phytoestrogen), which has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. The phytosterols present in sesame seeds are associated with reduced levels of blood cholesterol. ![]() Sunflower Seeds Sunflower Seeds are a rich source of vitamin E; also contain linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid), amino acids and minerals that include magnesium, potassium, zinc and calcium. Sunflower seeds are rich in phytosterols and can be part of a cholesterol-lowering diet. The nutritional value in one serving (1/4 cup) includes, 3.0 g/fiber and 6.0 g/protein. A serving of raw sunflower seeds also provides a person’s daily requirement of iron (about 13%). ![]() Have you heard of bulletproof coffee? It is becoming very popular and for good reason! Bulletproof coffee is made by blending unsalted grass fed butter and coconut oil or MCT oil to your coffee. The benefits of bulletproof coffee include fast stable energy without the crash, a source of healthy and nutrient dense fats to boost brain function and metabolism. This is my go-to breakfast option. It is quick, easy, filling, and I feel great when I drink it. I make mine as described below, but if you don’t want coffee, you can also make it with Matcha green tea, black tea, or decaf coffee. It can be a great way to start your day. If you are consuming bulletproof coffee, consume it away from carbohydrates or sugar so that your body can reap the benefits of being in a ketogenic or fat-burning state. My Coffee Recipe 2 cups of Coffee brewed in a drip coffee maker. I use a Chemex, with metal cone filter. These can be found in stores or on amazon: 1 Tablespoon unsalted grass fed butter 1-2 Tablespoons Brain Octaine oil, available in stores or at Mix in a blender, and blend for 20-30 seconds. Blending the mixture helps emulsify the fats with the coffee so the nutrients can be delivered to your cells quicker for optimal benefit. Adrenal fatigue is one of the most common yet overlooked health problems. It can be effectively assessed and treated through a naturopathic approach.
Do you find your energy levels crash around 3 or 4 pm and you need that caffeine boost? Crave sugar or carbohydrates especially in the afternoon? Need to eat every few hours or you feel light-headed? Get a second wind of energy in the evenings then have trouble sleeping? These can all be signs of adrenal fatigue. Our stressful, fast paced lives, lack of routines, and constant worry- is the prefect recipe to burnout the adrenal glands. So what are your adrenal glands? The adrenals are small organs that sit above the kidneys and are like the battery of your body. They are responsible for regulating your flight or fight response and to help keep you going in times of stress. But all too often we remain in these stressed states for too long, causing these “batteries” to burn out. Common symptoms of overworked adrenal glands include: - Fatigue that isn’t relieved by sleep/rest - Blood sugar imbalances - Food cravings (especially for carbohydrates, salt, and chocolate) - Lowered immunity or chronic infections - Weight gain (especially around the mid-section) - Mood changes - Decreased tolerance for stress - Frequent colds/flus - Low libido Sounds like you? Support healthy adrenal function: - Eat regularly, maintain healthy blood sugar balance by including protein at each meal (especially breakfast!). - Exercise gently (walking, stretching, or yoga) until your adrenals have healed and your energy has improved - Sleep hygiene– keep your bedroom completely dark, quiet, and cool to allow your body to maximize rest and rebuilding during sleep. - Consider taking a B Complex to provide your adrenal glands with the necessary nutrients to make hormones like cortisol and DHEA. Get your cortisol and adrenal function tested – Through salivary testing we can get a clearer picture of your adrenal health and I can develop an individual treatment plan to address your specific concerns. Contact me to day to get started: , email: [email protected] ![]() Naturopathic medicine is based on the belief that the human body has an innate healing ability. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) teach their patients to use diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and cutting edge natural therapies to enhance their bodies’ ability to ward off and combat disease. NDs view the patient as a complex, interrelated system (a whole person), not as a clogged artery or a tumor. Naturopathic physicians craft comprehensive treatment plans that blend the best of modern medical science and traditional natural medical approaches to not only treat disease, but to also restore health. Naturopathic physicians base their practice on six timeless principles founded on medical tradition and scientific evidence.
Information from AANP website. ![]() A warm chai on a cold night sounds like the perfect combo and it is easy to make at home! Store bought Chai often contains a lot of sugar, artificial colors and chemicals. This home-made recipe is not only natural and delicious but has many health benefits as well. Turmeric, ginger and coconut oil are anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial to help boost your immune system and keep you feeling healthy. The coconut oil adds an extra boost to your metabolism as well. Enjoy this chai anytime of day or night and enjoy often! Ingredients to make 2 cups of Chai : - Fresh turmeric root or powder - ½ - 1 tsp - Fresh ginger root or powder - ½ - 1 tsp - Cinnamon powder – ¼ tsp - Fennel seeds – a pinch of seeds - Cloves – a few cloves - Nutmeg & Cardamon - a pinch of each - Organic Virgin Coconut oil – 1-2 tsp - Honey – ½ tsp or more to taste - Almond/coconut/rice milk 1&½ cups *The cloves/nutmeg/cardamon are for flavor and can be left out if you do not like these. *The quantity of the spices used is really up to your taste, adding more will increase the health benefits of the chai. *Fresh ginger and turmeric have the most nutrients and taste the best but if this is not easy to find the dry powder can be used. *Grate the ginger and turmeric finely so that you can drink it in the chai. Directions: - In a small pot, bring 1.5 cups of your choice of non-dairy milk and ½ cup of water to a simmer - add all the ingredients, allow it to simmer for about 5-10 minutes, cool then enjoy! - You can strain it if you prefer, I like to leave it all in and drink the ginger and turmeric bits Dr. Lindsey Jesswein, ND ![]() Spirulina is a blue-green microalgae that is packed full of nutrients- in fact it is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet! At almost 70% protein, it is has the highest protein content per gram of all foods! What makes it so nutritious? It has a full spectrum of nutrients, including essential and non-essential Amino acids, healthy fats like GLA and omega-3’s, B vitamins including B12, chlorophyll, antioxidants, Vitamin A/K/E/D, and minerals. Why take it? Think of spirulina as an easily absorbed super multi vitamin that boosts energy, detoxifies, supports the immune system, reduces inflammation, and supports overall health. Low energy, digestive concerns, immune dysfunction, allergies, liver concerns, and more can all benefit from high quality spirulina in the diet. How to take it? Spirulina can be found in liquid, powder, and tablet form. The powder and liquid forms can be taken on their own or mixed into smoothies or any other recipes. Choose whichever form will work for your lifestyle. While it has a dark green, almost black color, the flavor is mild and not overpowering when mixed into other foods. If possible, purchase an organic form. |
November 2017