Have you heard of bulletproof coffee?
It is becoming very popular and for good reason!
Bulletproof coffee is made by blending unsalted grass fed butter and coconut oil or MCT oil to your coffee. The benefits of bulletproof coffee include fast stable energy without the crash, a source of healthy and nutrient dense fats to boost brain function and metabolism.
This is my go-to breakfast option. It is quick, easy, filling, and I feel great when I drink it. I make mine as described below, but if you don’t want coffee, you can also make it with Matcha green tea, black tea, or decaf coffee.
It can be a great way to start your day. If you are consuming bulletproof coffee, consume it away from carbohydrates or sugar so that your body can reap the benefits of being in a ketogenic or fat-burning state.
My Coffee Recipe
2 cups of Coffee brewed in a drip coffee maker.
I use a Chemex, with metal cone filter. These can be found in stores or on amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2/159-2670182-3790548?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=chemex
1 Tablespoon unsalted grass fed butter
1-2 Tablespoons Brain Octaine oil, available in stores or at http://www.bulletproof.com/
Mix in a blender, and blend for 20-30 seconds. Blending the mixture helps emulsify the fats with the coffee so the nutrients can be delivered to your cells quicker for optimal benefit.